Who am I?

Hi, my name is Martijn, an IT Professional, Cloud Architect, Infrastructure Engineer or DevOps specialist, whichever role title you prefer. Basically I like to mess with IT to create new projects, automate the hell out of it or just to design something cool. I live and work the beautiful country of the Netherlands.

What do I do?

I work for an IT consultancy firm and help my clients get the most out of their investments or suggest how to improve ever more. Mostly focused on Microsoft tech and these days like to work with Microsoft Azure. I try to keep my Microsoft certifications up to date and hope to motivate others to also become a Microsoft Certified Professional by taking the latest cloud exams!

In my spare time and partly in my day job, I try and provide feedback to Microsoft to further improve their products and services making my job even better in the future! I also try to provide new content for the community. Personally I’m a great fan of movies, LEGO and all kinds of tech.

About this site

This site is powered by Hugo and Azure Static Web Apps with a CloudFlare CDN/DNS. It tries to be cookie-free, uses browser storage for dark mode preference and Goatcounter for external statistics. If your ad-blocker stops that, that’s perfectly fine. It’s only used to get basic statistics of my page views so I can monitor what topics visitors like.

Contact me?

Do you want me onboard for your latest endeavour, have a question for me or want to get in touch, hit me up on Twitter @MartijnBrant or LinkedIn!